Andi Publisher > Studi Bahasa Asing > Top Up Your TOEIC Scores, Test Of English For International Communication

Top up Your TOEIC Scores, Test Of English For International Communication

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Buku Top up Your TOEIC Scores, Test Of English For International Communication dapat anda dapatkan di toko buku Andi Publisher terdekat di kota anda, atau dibeli melalui website toko buku online kami Communication is believed to be one of the keys in life by which people can cooperate and interact with others for the benefits of every end user. Without appropriate communication life is nothing as the world is so large yet development seems to run very quickly and we have to catch the running advancement these days. The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) test is the preferred English-language assessment tool for organizations worldwide. We all know the importance of developing strong communication skills to remain competitive in today's global economy. The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests provide an authentic measure of English-language proficiency that can help you in and out who has the language skills to succeed. Now more than ever, English proficiency is a necessity in the global work environment.Whether you are an individual who wants to stand out against the competition or an organization seeking to build a more skilled team or prepare work-ready students, the TOEIC program can help you achieve your goal. As the industry leader noted, the TOEIC program has set the standard for assessing English-language skills needed in the workplace for over 35 years. With about 7 million tests administered every year, the TOEIC tests are the most widely used around the world. More than 14,000 organizations across more than 160 countries trust TOEIC scores to make decisions. This book is designed to give learners and test takers an overview of the types of questions test they encounter on the actual TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests. It is also aimed to help learners to guide them through the test experience. In addition to the TOEIC tests sample question, it has included information on the authenticand real topics to provide test takers with a comprehensive overview of the TOEIC testing experience.This book is provided with sufficient practice in grammar, vocabulary development as well as practice in TOEIC supported with appropriate recording. The writer would like to appreciate courtesy of book writers, media and of course the publisher for without which the book would not stand out on readers desk. Kategori(Sub): Buku Sekolah (Bantu Belajar) ISBN: 978-979-29-7202-3 Penulis: Henricus W. Ismanthono Ukuran⁄Halaman: 16x23 cm² ⁄ xii+340 halaman Edisi⁄Cetakan: I, 1st Published Tahun Terbit: 2019 Harga Buku Zona 1 (Pulau Jawa, Bali, NTB, Lampung, Palembang) : Rp.89.000 Harga Buku Zona 2 (Aceh, Medan, Pekanbaru, Padang, Batam, Pulau Kalimantan, Pulau Sulawesi, NTT) : Rp.98.000 Harga Buku Zona 3 (Maluku, Papua) : Rp.111.500

Tahun Terbit
Henricus W. Ismanthono
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